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Birding in Kibale Forest National Park

While the park is renowned for its population of chimpanzees, it is also a haven for birdwatchers. With over 375 bird species recorded within its boundaries, Kibale offers a unique and exhilarating birding experience.

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Mon Aug 19 2024

Gorilla trekking in Rwanda

Gorilla trekking in Rwanda is not just an adventure; it’s a profound experience that connects you with nature and offers a glimpse into the lives of these majestic creatures.

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Mon Aug 19 2024

Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda: Ultimate Tips and Travel Advice

Preparing for a successful trek involves more than just enthusiasm. This comprehensive guide will provide you with essential tips and travel advice to ensure your gorilla trekking experience in Rwanda is unforgettable.

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Mon Aug 19 2024

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